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GOD has compelled us to focus on unifying the body of Christ for the benefit of the believer in Christ.

Prayer was the posture that downloaded instructions that has allowed us to accept who we have grown into as a body of believers.


A Prophetic House of Worship:

Now in full understanding and acceptance of the Apostolic mandate of the ministry we are here to build up the believer to...

Accept CHRIST as their personal Savior
Accept the purpose that GOD has gave them
Accept the tribe that GOD has sent to love them to life on a Godly level
Accept those that were called to take ministry to the marketplace as a service to CHRIST
Accept the abundance that committed faithfulness to CHRIST and this Tribe has given them
And accept that GOD thru CHIST has empowered you to give what you have accepted to those that you are called to gift THE JUNCTION... “Coming together in CHRIST... to Grow together in CHRIST!!!”


And this will be the SEASON of M.O.R.E.

Miraculous Overflow Relentless Expectation

Miraculous - Show us the access to something that GOD thru the tangible power of Christ alone will do to us and do for us because HE loves us!!!

Overflow - Shows us that our blessings will always be bigger than us cause we’re blessed to be a blessing!
Relentless - Shows GOD and this world our persistent passion to please GOD thru service!!!
Expectation - Shows GOD and this world that we actively believe in the great things that has been purposefully promised just for us.

What do active believers do they prepare...there is a promise positioned for that prepared people!!!

This is being shared with the TRIBE cause it’s all about you it’s the desire of GOD to accept these words with committed actions. These committed actions will open doors no man can close, these committed actions will allow us to be the lenders and not the borrowers, these committed actions will allow our thoughts to be established on this earth. Showing this world that with GOD all things are possible even greater things!!!

So embrace the thoughts, dreams, ideas, and concepts that God will infuse you to remind you that God is presently speaking to you so you will always be able to.. live in purpose on purpose!!!
For us to get M.O.R.E. we must give M.O.R.E .for us to serve M.O.R.E. we must have M.O.R.E.


So accept the M.O.R.E. that is yours!!!

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